Course Category: ECG
7. 50 ECGs that you need to know
We selected 50 ECGs that we think everyone treating cardiology patients should recognize.
6. Tachyarrhythmias
Do you develop a tachycardia when seeing a tachycardia? Let us show you all there is to know!
5. Conduction disorders
Conduction disorders may be associated with bradycardia such is the case in atrioventricular conduction disease (chapter 1). Sinus node disease also commonly causes bradycardia but the cause is decreased automaticity (chapter 2). Conduction disease of the bundle branches doesn’t not normally alter the cardiac frequency except in rare cases (chapter 3).
4. Cardiomyopathy
Most cardiac diseases show specific signs on the ECG.
3. Chest pain
When a patient presents with chest pain, the ECG remains the most important diagnostic tool.
2. The normal ECG
Building your framework of what is a normal ECG is essential to recognize pathological ECGs. But that is no reason to underestimate this chapter. We will take you from the P-wave all the way to the T-wave showing and explaining what is normal, but abnormal cases will also be shown, in order to strengthen your […]
1. History of electrophysiology and the ECG
Today the ECG is the most commonly performed cardiovascular exam. The first ECG was made over a hundred years ago but it was preceded by centuries of innovation.