- 83-year-old woman
- sinus node dysfunction
- Advisa DR MRI (Medtronic) dual-chamber pacemaker
- MVP (Managed Ventricular Pacing algorithm) on
A magnet is placed over the pacemaker pocket.
ECG and magnet application
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12 lead ECG
- right atrial pacing (small pacing stimuli visible in DII, DIII) and spontaneous ventricular activation
- magnet application
- asynchronous atrio-ventricular pacing (DOO mode, 85 bpm)
- magnet removal and return to right atrial pacing/ventricular sensing
- magnet application remains widely used in clinical practice to assess pacemaker function and battery depletion in the absence of a programmer
- when a magnet is applied over a pacemaker, the special reed-switch is closed within the pulse generator resulting in asynchronous pacing at the magnet rate
- in patients with intrinsic rhythm inhibiting pacing, magnet application converts the device to asynchronous pacing and may confirm the ability or inability to capture
- change in magnet rate can reveal elective replacement indicator determining the need for replacement
- magnet application can be used therapeutically to interrupt an episode of pacemaker-mediated tachycardia
- magnet application can also restore pacing and prevent inhibition and asystole in pacemaker-dependent patients with oversensing
- details of the magnet mode and magnet rate vary among the different manufacturers
- in some devices, magnet application may trigger automatic threshold search or electrogram storage rather than asynchronous pacing; the patient may freeze and store electrograms with external magnet application during symptomatic events
- in some devices, the magnet mode can be programmed off resulting in the absence of modification of pacing rate after magnet application
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1. Question
After application of the magnet, we observe on the ECG: